House Hold toxins. Bleach is a great disinfectant(5 minutes at a 10% solution is effective just dipping is not fully effective). Be careful of which type of bleach that you use. "Ultra" bleach contains SODIUM HYDROXIDE (LYE which of course is a poison) it makes it work faster but is difficult to wash off. Best type of bleach to use is the one containing SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE or SODIUM HYPOCHLORIDE. Teflon (non-stick coating on pots, pans and baking dishes) when heated is highly toxic to parrots (If this happens and bird is in breathing distress get bird to fresh air then vet. Their respiratory systems are much more sensitive than ours and can be victims of fumes. (hence the canary in the mine system from way back) Also be careful of new cages that are galvanized(bright shiny metallic ones) I just wanted to touch on these three toxins because that is the most that I hear about.